What Happened in 1922
Historical Highlights of 1922
Insulin was successfully used for the first time to treat diabetes, revolutionizing medicine.
The BBC, one of the world's most famous broadcasters, began its first radio transmissions in the UK.
British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt, sparking a worldwide fascination with ancient Egypt.

Pop Culture & Fun Facts of 1922
First 3D Movie The first-ever 3D movie, The Power of Love, was shown in Los Angeles. Audiences wore red and green glasses to experience the effect!
Nosferatu Premieres: The iconic silent horror film Nosferatu, an unauthorized adaptation of Dracula, terrified audiences with its eerie visuals.
Hollywood Sign's Original Name: The famous Hollywood sign originally read "Hollywoodland" as an advertisement for a real estate development. The last four letters were removed in 1949.

Science & Inventions of 1922
The lie detector (polygraph) machine was invented by John Augustus Larson, a medical student and police officer.
Insulin was discovered by Frederick Banting and Charles Best, revolutionizing the treatment of diabetes.
The first robot was introduced in a Czech play called R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek, coining the term "robot."
Scientists Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop discovered Vitamin E, identifying its essential role in reproduction and cell protection.
The Convertible Car is Patented. American engineer Ben P. Ellerbeck developed the first retractable hardtop for automobiles, an early version of the modern convertible.
Sports Highlights of 1922
Yankees Get Their Stadium: Construction began on Yankee Stadium, which would later be known as "The House That Ruth Built" in honor of Babe Ruth.
First National Football League (NFL) Championship: The Canton Bulldogs became the first NFL champions, finishing the season undefeated.

Top Songs of 1922
"My Man" – Fanny Brice
"Three O’Clock in the Morning" – Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
"April Showers" – Al Jolson
"Hot Lips" – Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
"Toot, Toot, Tootsie! (Goodbye)" – Al Jolson
"Stumbling" – Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
"Way Down Yonder in New Orleans" – Peerless Quartet
"Dipper Mouth Blues" – King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band
"Carolina in the Morning" – Marion Harris
"I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate" – The Original Memphis Five
Music & Radio of 1922
Jazz and blues continued to rise in popularity, with artists like Paul Whiteman, Al Jolson, and King Oliver dominating the scene.
Dance crazes like the Charleston and Shimmy gained momentum, inspiring upbeat, rhythmic music.
The recording industry was booming, with phonograph records becoming a household staple.
First Commercial Radio Advertisements aired on New York’s WEAF, marking the beginning of radio ads.
Radio became a primary source of entertainment, news, and music, with families gathering around their sets nightly.
Stations across the U.S. played live jazz performances, comedy shows, and news reports, making radio an essential part of daily life.
Top Movies of 1922
Nosferatu (Silent horror classic, one of the first vampire films)
Robin Hood (Starring Douglas Fairbanks, a major action-adventure hit)
Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler (A German silent crime thriller by Fritz Lang)
Blood and Sand (Starring Rudolph Valentino, a famous bullfighting drama)
Grandma’s Boy (A Harold Lloyd comedy classic)
Foolish Wives (A lavish drama directed by Erich von Stroheim)
Beyond the Rocks (Romantic drama with Rudolph Valentino and Gloria Swanson)
Manslaughter (A silent courtroom drama by Cecil B. DeMille)
Oliver Twist (A silent adaptation starring Jackie Coogan)
The Prisoner of Zenda (A swashbuckling adventure film)