What Happened in 1921
Historical Highlights of 1921
Warren G. Harding was inaugurated as the 29th President of the United States.
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated in Arlington National Cemetery on November 11, honoring unidentified fallen soldiers.
Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the photoelectric effect.
Amelia Earhart took her first flying lesson, setting her on the path to becoming an aviation legend.

Pop Culture &Fun Facts of 1921
Charlie Chaplin, one of the biggest stars of silent films, released The Kid, his first full-length film, starring a young Jackie Coogan.
The song "Ain't We Got Fun" became a huge hit, capturing the spirit of the Roaring Twenties.
The first commercial radio station in the U.S., KDKA in Pittsburgh, started broadcasting live baseball games.
The first Miss America pageant was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and was won by Margaret Gorman of Washington, D.C.

Science & Inventions of 1921
The lie detector (polygraph) machine was invented by John Augustus Larson, a medical student and police officer.
Insulin was discovered by Frederick Banting and Charles Best, revolutionizing the treatment of diabetes.
The first robot was introduced in a Czech play called R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek, coining the term "robot."
Sports Highlights of 1921
The first-ever World Series broadcast on radio took place.
The Chicago Staleys (later renamed the Chicago Bears) won the 1921 NFL Championship.
The New York Yankees purchased Babe Ruth from the Boston Red Sox (technically in 1919, but the impact was felt in the early ‘20s), leading to the legendary Curse of the Bambino.

Top Songs of 1921
"Ain't We Got Fun" – Van & Schenck
"April Showers" – Al Jolson
"Margie" – Eddie Cantor
"Look for the Silver Lining" – Marion Harris
"I Ain’t Got Nobody (And Nobody Cares for Me)" – Marion Harris
"Second Hand Rose" – Fanny Brice
"I'm Just Wild About Harry" – Noble Sissle & Eubie Blake
"My Man" – Fanny Brice
"Say It with Music" – Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra
Popular Radio Programs
While radio was still new, KDKA in Pittsburgh and WWJ in Detroit were among the first stations broadcasting news, music, and live performances. Some popular early radio content included:
Live baseball game broadcasts (first broadcast in 1921)
Classical and jazz music performances
News updates and election results
Church services and educational lectures
Top Movies of 1921
The Kid – Charlie Chaplin’s first full-length film, featuring Jackie Coogan
The Sheik – Starring Rudolph Valentino, making him a Hollywood heartthrob
Orphans of the Storm – A historical drama directed by D.W. Griffith
The Three Musketeers – Starring Douglas Fairbanks as D’Artagnan
The Phantom Carriage – A Swedish silent horror film, known for its special effects
Tol’able David – A classic rural American drama
Little Lord Fauntleroy – A family drama based on the famous novel